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Writer's pictureChristopher J Thomasson

Deep Discount Vendor Event This Weekend!

I have an event this weekend with the Twice As Nice Thrift Store here in Spokane Valley. This will be a little different that the normal arts & crafts shows I attend as this will be more along the lines of a giant garage sale. However, based on past performance, the attendance to their events should be the very thing I'm looking for: exposure!

I received new copies of my books yesterday, which I'll be signing for anyone that purchases a copy. I'll also be set up to demo some of my art in the morning before it gets too hot. A few weeks ago, I was successful in painting in the morning while it was still cool...but once the temperatures began rising in the afternoon, painting with acrylic became impossible as it dried almost as soon as I put it to canvas.

So this weekend, I'm going to try an experiment that an old friend suggested...during the afternoon hours when I've put away the paint brushes, I'm going to post every hour or so to my Facebook page a particular piece or artwork that, at the time of posting, will be deep discounted for at least an hour. I may end up offering one item...I may end up offering 10 items...who knows? But you'll have to follow my Facebook page in order to take advantage of these onetime discounts.

For example, I may post a picture of one of my 8X8 watercolors. I sell this size original for $80...but during this event, it may be deep discounted to $40...maybe even $25!

Needless to say, if you have ever wanted to own one of my original pieces of art, this would be the weekend to watch for it.

Here's how it'll work. Go to my Author/Artist page on Facebook (here's an easy link: Paw-Paw's Ink Well). Like and/or follow it then be sure to watch throughout the afternoon of July 31st for posts advertising my artwork and/or publications. Once I make a post, I'll leave it up for only an hour or until there's a buyer...whichever comes first. If you are interested in a piece, be sure to comment immediately in the comments section below the image. I'll private message you to confirm, then set up payment. I take PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, and Zelle. Costs will include the advertised price of the item plus a portion of shipping costs (depending on size but shouldn't be any more than $10). Any books purchased will have a $3 cost for USPS Media Mail shipping fees (I know because I ship books out weekly through my eBay store).

With all that said, any of my artwork or books are for sale outside of these events. Do you have a special painting that you'd like to commission? Be sure to email me or message me on Facebook and lets talk details...I love working with clients to help immortalize their vision through art. Want a book? You can get any of my publications through Amazon. If you'd like an autographed/personalized copy, message me and let's get that in the mail!

If you want to know more about the Twice As Nice thrift store, here's a link to the event being held this weekend: Twice as Nice Parking Lot Sale

As always, as an artist and independent author, my success comes not just from putting out quality work, but from my friends, family, associates, and anyone else that takes the time to share my blog posts, Facebook posts, or through reviews on Amazon. Please share this blog to your Facebook page...I'll be eternally grateful and I might even sing at your next wedding.

Until next time...


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